Computer Help L.A.

Is Security A Myth?

How safe is your physical property, data, trade secrets & other valuables at your home or business? High & low tech together can secure it all.

It’s typically just a matter of time before any security system can be defeated. Eventual obsolescence, however, is no reason to give up on feeling secure. Just use our high- and low-tech tips, listed below, to keep safe all that you value.

Cyber Security

The Internet of Things: Convenient for Whom?

The continuing advance of wireless connectivity, including apps, and systems to remotely manage your home online, provides the utmost convenience for users on both sides of the fence. The pure convenience for home and business owners and for criminals. Being fully able to manage your physical world digitally, at a distance, means there’s a community of thieves and hackers out there, busily trying to reverse-engineer you out of your belongings and your IP (intellectual property). Also, the tried-and-true option of brute force, where only “smash and grab” before help can arrive, still exists.

Don’t let these security risks get you down, nor should you ditch your Wi-Fi security system in despair. Understanding your level of vulnerability is the first step to real security. Now, learn how to stay ahead of those who covet your belongings.

Solving Your Security Problem

High-tech wireless security, combined with low-tech backup methods, may be our best answer to enjoy Wi-Fi security and connected-world convenience, without anxiety. Also required are a frequent update/upgrade schedule for apps/software and an eye on the latest news about security hacks and break-ins.) Let’s start with a new look at familiar territory–password security.

Password Security Tips

Beyond Passwords: More Security Tips

Low-Tech Security that Still Works

True security is possible. It simply means that backup methods, both high-tech and low-tech, along with prevention techniques and a healthy measure of secrecy, are necessary to keep your valuables secure.

Need more than expert advice? Let us make IT security simple for you. We provide expert help to manage your business IT services. We are ComputerHelpLA based in Los Angeles. Contact us at to learn more — or call (310) 893-0878 today!

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