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Must-Know SEO: Info Secrets to Maximizing Your Website’s Google Search Ranking


Google is the number-one search engine. It’s the one people go to when they have a question they need to be answered or are looking for a business to serve their particular needs. Google, like the terms Kleenex and Clorox, has become part of our daily vernacular. When you search for something online, you’re “Googling” it.

What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?

It’s the multi-discipline process of optimizing a website to rank high in organic search results.

Organic search results are those you don’t pay for.

Typically, when people search for companies or information on Google, the first few results they get are those that a business has paid for. If they say “Sponsored” or “Ad” that means someone has paid for them to be ranked at the top.

If you don’t pay for an ad, you must practice good SEO to be listed near the top of a Google search.

What constitutes good SEO?

This is difficult to pin down because It’s often-changing and always updating. Google updates their algorithms and the way that they rate and rank content hundreds of times a year. It’s impossible to keep track of every single change. However, practicing good SEO strategies, in general, will result in better search rankings.

Although it’s easy to understand, SEO is challenging to execute effectively. Here’s some information that should help.

On-Page Optimization

Optimize your entire website as a whole:

Know your keywords and how to use them:

Use headers correctly:

Label your images correctly:

Test it out.

The Right Content

Write for your audience:

Go the distance whenever you can:

Mix it up and keep it fresh:

Repurpose your best old content:

Don’t forget your Meta Descriptions:

Links and How to Use Them

Internal Linking:

External Linking:


How to Gain an Edge

Reviews, Reviews, Reviews:

Location, Location, Location Reviews (and other ways to be relevant):

Be the Expert in One Area:

Optimize for Mobile:

Optimize for Voice Search:

Use These Great SEO Tools:

Utilize Great Resources:

Advanced SEO

Rich Snippets:

People Also Ask:

Social Media:

In Conclusion

The Most Important “Take Aways”

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