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National Consumer Protection Week: Keeping your personal data safe in a digitally connected world

March is a time for leprechauns and four-leaf clovers, and as luck would have it, it’s also a time to learn how to protect your private data from cybercrime. Each year, the first week of March (March 2-8) is recognized as National Consumer Protection Week (NCPW). During this time, many government agencies and consumer protection organizations come together to help educate consumers on how to keep their personal and financial information secure.

The event is sponsored by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and other participating agencies include the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), AARP, and the Better Business Bureau (BBB). This month, take advantage of all that NCPW offers, including access to free tools and information that can help you identify and prevent online scams, fraud, and identity theft.

The growing risks to your data

Common attacks to consumer protection

How to protect yourself and your data

It takes more than good luck to protect your private data and finances from cybercriminals, so be sure to grab this opportunity to learn more about staying safe from online fraud.

Looking for more information and solutions:

The post National Consumer Protection Week: Keeping your personal data safe in a digitally connected world appeared first on Webroot Blog.

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