Ransomware and disaster recovery plans

Ransomware and disaster recovery plansDisaster recovery is a basic element of good business continuity planning. Business continuity planning refers t[...]

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How to avoid falling victim to ransomware

How to avoid falling victim to ransomwareWe hear routinely in the news that a major corporation or government agency has had its data integrity compro[...]

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Ransomware attacks just keep increasing: Vet practices aren’t immune

Ransomware attacks just keep increasing: Vet practices aren’t immuneThis cyberattack scheme isn't new, but it has become increasingly common over th[...]

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Three responses after a Ransomware attack

Three responses after a Ransomware attackIf you are unfortunate enough to be the victim of a ransomware attack, there are basically only three options[...]

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SD WAN – What’s up with that?

SD WAN - What’s up with that?So what is this SD-WAN that you have been hearing about? SD-WAN, the acronym for Software Defined Wide Area Network is[...]

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The 5 most important rules for online shopping

The end of year holidays mark the busiest time of the year for online shoppers. We’re all rushing around trying to find the right gift that doesn’[...]

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Good Fences Make for Secure Data

Good Fences Make for Secure DataInvesting in firewalls, anti-malware and data encryption softwareFirewalls and anti-malware tools can help you by keep[...]

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Webroot™ Premium: The all-in-one protection for your devices and identity

The risk of becoming a victim of identity theft has never been greater We are increasingly living our lives in the digital realm. Whether we’re b[...]

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SMB and Some Basic Employee Security Issues

SMB and Some Basic Employee Security IssuesTraining teamsYour employees are your first line of defense. Training is a basic requirement and should be [...]

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Cybercrime – Two basic routines to Protect Your Data

Cybercrime - Two basic routines to Protect Your DataCybersecurity is certainly not something to be ignored by organizations no matter how big or small[...]

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