Microsoft Excel Training [Free Online Course]

Microsoft Excel Training   Excel is one of the most versatile and most useful programs in the Microsoft Office suite. It’s also one of the trickie[...]

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Windows 7 Support Is Ending

  Did you know? Microsoft is ending support for Windows 7 in January 2020. Beginning this April, Microsoft will start displaying pop-ups on all Windo[...]

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5 Things You Need To Know About the End of Windows 7 Support

Windows 7 has had a great run, but Microsoft has decided that it’s finally time to retire the platform. Windows 7 isn’t being deprecated by custo[...]

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New Whaling Schemes: CEO Fraud Continues to Grow

In previous years, the first clue that your corporate email has been compromised would be a poorly-spelled and grammatically incorrect email message [...]

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Effects of A Data Breach on Small Business

The information that no business owner or technology director wants to hear: there’s been a data breach. These chilling words can put your brain in[...]

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Instagram Users: Fake Copyright Infringement Notices

There’s a new scam targeting highly-trafficked Instagram accounts, and anyone with several thousand followers on their account — including busines[...]

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Bill Gates Reveals Top 5 Healthcare Technologies for 2019

After literally changing the world through technology, what does a retired billionaire Microsoft co-founder do for an encore? If his name is Bill Gat[...]

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Your Guide To Microsoft’s End Of Support

In an ideal world, you’d never have any technical issues, and you’d never have to call Microsoft technical support. Everything should work perfect[...]

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Severe Ransomware Attack Hits Global Firm

Norsk Hydro just got hit with a major ransomware attack that took down their entire worldwide network. It happened this morning, Tuesday, March 19, 2[...]

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New Threat Advisory: TrickBot (Warnings/Recommendations)

TrickBot is up to its tricks again. Once cyber experts get a handle on it, TrickBot releases new modules that advance its capabilities. Here’s what [...]

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