How Can I Apply Styles With Microsoft Excel?

Excel’s ready-made formatting styles bring life and color to your spreadsheet. It lets you give printed versions a polished, professional look. Colo[...]

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DNS Infrastructure Tampering

On January 22, 2019, The U.S. Department of Homeland Security, DHS, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, CISA, issued an emergency direc[...]

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Urgent Tech Tip: Disable Facetime On Your iPhone

A major FaceTime bug discovered recently has left Apple device users skittish about yet another privacy concern and forced the tech giant to scramble[...]

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11 Top Questions HIPAA Compliance Officers Need To Know

HIPAA, an acronym of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act was signed into law by President Bill Clinton back in 1996. Initially, H[...]

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2018 Was a Record Year for HIPAA Penalties

2018 turned out to be a year of record fines for HIPAA violations. Over $25 million in fines, with the mean fine being just over $2.5 million. Could [...]

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How To Restore Files With Microsoft OneDrive

  Accidentally deleting a file or folder was once something that could ruin your entire day, week, or month even — maybe even your career. All t[...]

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Inside The United States Of Cybersecurity

In March 2018, Alabama and South Dakota passed laws mandating data breach notification for its residents. The passage meant all 50 states, the Distr[...]

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Windows 7: Under One Year Until Support Ends

Use Windows 7? Do you love your Windows 7? Will your need or desire to continue to use Windows 7 surpass this year? If so, you should be aware that i[...]

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Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Remembered mostly for his “I Have a Dream” speech, Martin Luther King Jr. was a man who fought to end segregation in this country. On this day, w[...]

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Is Your Business Being Taken Care Of By A Professional Help Desk Team?

As much as people hope their business can run like a well-oiled machine, the truth is issues are inevitable. With businesses using an increasing numb[...]

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