Happy Wright Brothers Day – December 17

On December 17, 1903, Orville and Wilbur Wright made the first successful flight in a mechanically propelled airplane. To celebrate the accomplishment[...]

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6.8M Facebook Users Hit By New Photo Bug

Facebook has just announced that a Photo API bug gave app developers access to user photos outside of the scope intended for 5.6 million users. This i[...]

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Top 5 Cybersecurity Predictions For 2019

Cyber threats are a genuine danger for businesses, no matter their size or industry. Companies that face data breaches are likely to fail within month[...]

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Sextortion Scam Pretending To Come From Your Hacked Email Account

A recent sextortion scheme highlights the vulnerability users face when their data is stolen and used against them. The widespread threat made it seem[...]

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What Are The Top Tech Events in 2019?

Attending the top tech events in 2019 is mandatory for managed IT service companies. While it may be impossible to stay ahead of cybercrime, IT profes[...]

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What Are The Top Gifts For The Techie On Your Christmas List?

New tech can be fun and fascinating, but most importantly it solves a need in a person’s life. If you’re trying to choose a Christmas gift for the[...]

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Happy National App Day: December 11th

Even though the word App is relatively new, it has become popular in everyday terminology as its uses have changed lives in the modern world. Almost a[...]

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How Does Managed IT Services Save You Time & Money?

Anyone who owns or runs a business knows that there is always more work that could be done, and there are almost endless ways to improve or help the b[...]

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Important FBI/DHS Warning: Update On FBI and DHS Warning: SamSam Ransomware

The Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigation issued a critical alert Dec. 3, warning users about SamSam ransomware and [...]

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How Can You Stay Safe From Phishing Attempts? Try These 7 Tips

In this article, we’ll be going over the top seven ways to protect yourself and your business from email phishing attempts. But first, what is phis[...]

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