Computer Help L.A. Has Cyber Security Packages To Make Sure Your Los Angeles Business To Secure From Online Threats!

Every company that does business online is a potential target, and unfortunately, criminals see small to mid-size companies as an easy mark. Did you know that 60% of companies close within six months of a breach of their IT environment?

We don’t want you to fall prey to individual hackers and criminal syndicates that make millions each year stealing people’s money and reselling their confidential information. You can protect yourself by partnering with Computer Help L.A. Our Cyber Security Packages for small to mid-market companies are affordable and effective.

What Does A Computer Help L.A. Cyber Security Solution Offer You?

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    Disk Encryption

    • Everything is encrypted – folders, files, email, hard drives, and USB drives – to keep your data safe. Even if the bad guys access it, the encryption makes it impossible for them to read or use.
    • You don’t have to change the way you’re already working. Our encryption does its job behind the scenes. You won’t have to worry about encrypting or decrypting files. It’s all done for you.
    • You get far more than off-the-shelf, home encryption delivers. We encrypt your files with business-class
    • Your encrypted files will be monitored and managed remotely by our IT cybersecurity experts. This ensures that your encrypted data is safe, and files are available to you when you need them.
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    Two-Factor Authentication

    Two-factor authentication is an added security measure for your business. Unfortunately, with phishing, keylogging malware, and brute-force attacks, passwords are often not enough to provide trusted access. Two-factor authentication uses a second identifier, such as a passkey sent to your smartphone, as an added layer of security.

    • Only authorized individuals will have access to your web applications, devices, files, local applications, virtual machines, and VPN remote access.
    • Two-factor authentication will help you meet the compliance standards of ISO 27001, NIST 800, PCI DSS, and OWASP.
    • There is no added maintenance or management needed on your end. We take care of any updates to your two-factor authentication service remotely.
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    SIEM Platform (24×7) Managed SOC

    Although you may have layers of security in place that block most threats, you need a central mechanism which collects and stores security logs from the variety of devices that connect to your network. As cyber threats become more prevalent in the world, you must be able to actively monitor and remediate them. The worldwide average timespan for a company to know that it has been breached is 191 days. SIEM Platforms have addressed this need by alerting on attempted and actual breaches in real-time. This empowers us to more quickly respond to actual breaches and put safeguards in place to protect against future potential ones.

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    Endpoint Intrusion Protection

    This Next-Generation Endpoint Cyber Intrusion is an anti-virus addon that scans for any type of malicious behavior or events and reports in real time.

    Endpoint Intrusion Protection is the bridge between current anti-virus applications and the Security Information Event Management Platform (SIEM).  Anti-virus is currently unable to detect this behavior from trusted sources. The SIEM platform will report the behavior to the main collector and then send it to us, which in turn will note the events and generate a ticket for resolution.  This technology reports this behavior in real time where SIEM may take a few hours to report.  In many cases, this is too late to act on any type of threat.

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    Employee Cyber Security Awareness Training

    Security Awareness Training for Employees educates your end users to be aware of existing threats.  The service provides user training videos, sends fake phishing attempts to test end user knowledge, sends automated memo emails on trending threats, and allows admins to run various reports to monitor end-user scoring, and progress.

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    Secure Password Vault

    Employee Password Management will be implemented for password safekeeping.  This solution is cloud-based and offers password auditing, reporting, and sharing of passwords with employees.  It’s a very useful tool for new employee onboarding or employee termination. It also stores more than just passwords; it stores all of your SOPs as well. It saves time, increases productivity, and safeguards all of your employees’ passwords.

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    Mobile Device Management

    Company laptops are not encrypted at rest. While users are not encouraged to store confidential company information locally on their laptops, we cannot necessarily prove they did not do so if the laptop is lost or stolen. Each laptop that is lost or stolen is a Reportable Breach.

    • Provide a low-maintenance encryption solution for mobile devices that have a proven track record.
    • Report encryption status on all mobile devices which are company owned from a single pane of glass.
    • Remotely wipe or quarantine a device if it is permanently lost.
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    HIPAA/PCI/SSAE-Type II Compliance Reports for Network

    To make sure you are fully compliant, you need to test and audit your environment.  Many customers and vendors are now requesting for partners to be compliant due to the risk of their data being compromised. To cover this, you need:

    • Penetration Testing where we would test your network and try to penetrate it and hack it by any means necessary. We will provide a detailed report so any issues can be addressed and remediated.
    • Security Risk Assessment where we check all the in-place technologies and make sure they all meet compliance standards. We will provide a detailed report on security assessments with risks and recommended mitigations to pass compliance.
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    Cyber Security Monitoring/Alerting/Reporting for All Devices

    Why invest in an expensive IT security infrastructure that must constantly be maintained and periodically replaced? You can avoid that capital cost and those maintenance frustrations by partnering with theComputer Help L.A. team. Our IT security professionals will provide:

    • Expert IT systems remediation in the event of damage done by an attack.
    • Compliance reporting to meet legislative or industry-standard requirements.
    • A simple, monthly subscription payment for easy budgeting.
    • 24/7 monitoring and real-time incident alerts.
    • Enterprise-class cybersecurity experience and expertise on your side.

These outstanding Cyber Security Packages are designed with businesses like yours in mind.

If you already have managed IT services through Computer Help L.A. it’s easy to add one of our Cybersecurity Packages to your monthly contract.

Cybercriminals aren’t waiting until tomorrow. Why should you?
