Google Ready to Roll Out Mobile-First Indexing

For many business owners, Google’s announcement to switch over to mobile-first indexing comes as a real shocker. It’s a revolutionary thing to do

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Best Email Apps For Small Business Owners Who Use iPhone

Communication is definitely made more accessible as a result of technology. Unlike previous years where people placed heavy reliance on letters and me

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Internet Security a Top Priority, Experts Claim

Experts in the tech world are giving their input on what is planned by state and local Chief Information Officers (CIOs) in terms of security for all

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FBI Issues Warning

As you may be aware, the FBI issued a warning last week about a malware botnet called VPNFilter. This malware originated in Russia and attacks “cons

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Better Get Ready – The GDPR Goes Into Effect Today!

What Is It?  What Do We Need To Know?  What Should We Do? If you don’t know what the GDPR is, and if you’re not ready for it, you’re going

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What’s Up with Windows 10 S Computers?

Where Did They Go? In 2017, Microsoft planned to release a lightweight version of Windows 10. This was their effort to provide a Windows solution tha

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Are Local Businesses Ready For GDPR?

As of May 25th, 2018, if local businesses aren’t ensuring the highest possible level of data privacy, they’re risking serious financial consequenc

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Billions of Computer Devices Won’t Get Intel’s Spectre Fix

17 Product Groups Named-Their Production Halted and Update Support Ended After Irrefutable Evidence Uncovered Flaw in Intel Chips. The information ab

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IT Helps Dementia Patients

Dementia and Alzheimer’s are scary for both patients and caregivers. Right now, there is no cure. Scientists are trying to find ways of prolonging p

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